To purchase IMV Atlas, IMV AI Modules, IMV Anonymizer, IMV Mobile Dicom Viewer, use the built-in payment module or contact us.
To purchase and deploy IMV MedLinker, contact us.
- Basic functionality for working with images
- Connection to one PACs server
- License for one device
- Extended functionality for working with images
- Unlimited connection to PACs servers
- Local database
- Disk recording for Windows
- Curved MPR
- TIC(4D)
- ADC map generation
- Fusion
- Quick segmentation
- Subtraction
- Labels disabled when sending video
- License for one device
- Up to 5 studies per day
- Complete anonymization
- Preservation of folder structure
- Unlimited anonymization by quantity
- Tag editing
- Preservation of folder structure
The listed prices are not a public offer; final prices and special offers are indicated in the aforementioned applications.
Before using the products, please read the license agreement and the a href="/policy-privacy" class="linked">data processing agreement. The viewers are not FDA licensed.