The presented product line:
IMV Anonymizer©, IMV DICOM VIEWER©, IMV-MS©, IMV SPINE©, IMV Subcortical©, IMV Pirads©, IMV Uterus©, IMV Gliomas©, IMV Stroke©, IMV Atlas©, IMV Spine©, IMV Subcortical©, IMV MedLinker©, IMV Mobile Viewer©
assembled into a single contour for your needs.
Routing of the study between doctors occurs, data is prepared for analytics.
Routing of the study between doctors occurs, data is prepared for analytics.
Convenient, fast tool for working with medical images.
Up to 300 times faster than a radiologist’s report with 98% accuracy with the introduction of new data that was previously unavailable.
Storage and analysis of data, retrospective analysis, predictive models. Generation of reports on drug performance.